Highlights of My Washington Trip

The nevertheless entertaining Tisha B'Av edition of Haveil Haveilim can be found over at Simply Jews.We finally arrived in Washington. Usually, by the time I arrive at my sister's house with my small children, the last thing I want to do is get on another plane. But I decided to be brave, and flying … [Read more...]

Jet lag and secondary jet lag

I handle jet lag well upon arrival in the US. We function during the day, despite waking up at 3 am for several days. By the second morning the kids already woke at 7:30. The return is different. Typically we are all awake at night the first week, then I suffer for an additional week. It's not just … [Read more...]

Happy Purim

Here's a recap of our Purim activities so far.1. Mishloach Manot. I think I spent more time agonizing over what to put into the Purim packages than I actually spent cooking. In the end I made individual "quiche-in-a-loaf." (Don't ask me how to make that plural. And don't ask me how to make it, … [Read more...]

A Parenting Dilemma

A neighbor once offered to take care of my baby when I went out. "Don't worry," she assured me. "His crying won't bother me." Since I don't ignore crying babies whether they are mine or not, I didn't agree to watch the neighbor's baby the next couple of times she asked me. I might have enjoyed a … [Read more...]

Tu Beshevat game: Name that fruit

On Monday night and Tuesday we will celebrate Tu Bishvat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat. Tu Bishvat is also known as the new year of the trees; the Mishnah mentions this date as the cutoff point when counting the age of a tree. This is important for the laws of terumot and maaserot … [Read more...]

FLYing and landing

I discovered Flylady when I was pregnant with my fifth child. She took the best of SHE, imbued it with her own unique style and transferred it from a filebox to the internet.Flylady immediately got rid of SHE's biggest problem. She says that the index cards made you feel guilty, and guilt keeps you … [Read more...]

Fitting Housework into Life

When I had only two children, born eighteen months apart, I didn't spend a lot of time on housework. My oldest enjoyed scattering toys around the house, crumpling any paper he could find, and biting his baby brother when I got distracted for a moment. My husband and I developed a system to manage … [Read more...]

Microwave Apple-Pear Sauce

My son called from yeshiva to make sure I would be serving latkes and applesauce when he comes home tomorrow. Homemade applesauce is easy to make, especially if you can find someone to peel the apples. My husband bought apples with brown spots in the shuk just for that purpose, and they waited in … [Read more...]

A cure for insomnia?

This morning she explained, "That way is a faster way to close my eyes." … [Read more...]

Six weeks late: Shalom Kitah Aleph

My son Y, 6, adjusted easily to kindergarten (gan hova) last September, and loved every minute. When I asked the ganenet (teacher) whether he was prepared for first grade, she dismissed the question with a wave of her hand. I see Y as the most even-tempered and least complicated of my children (not … [Read more...]