Why “Average” Haredi Families Go to Hotels for Pesach, Part I

Why "Average" Haredi Families Go to Hotels for Pesach, Part II We received an advertising supplement from a travel agency catering to the haredi public called "Pesach Plus." According to the supplement reservations for Passover hotels have increased this year. Despite the economic downturn, the … [Read more...]

Keeping Kids Interested in the Seder

Received via a community email list:We'd like to keep our 4- and 6-year-olds alert and excited for as long as possible during the seder. Acting out parts of the haggada has been suggested but we're drawing a blank on how to do this realistically yet without delaying the proceedings too much. Has … [Read more...]

Pesach Crisis Cleaning Checklist

Image by Eugene of Norway via Flickr When it comes to Passover I don't like to talk about where I'm "holding," because I don't want to hear that my neighbor has set her seder table while my house looks like a tornado ran through it. But those who are inspired by others' progress should look … [Read more...]

When to “Turn Over” Your Kitchen for Passover

Pesach-observant homemakers the world over are talking about turning over. Turning over the kitchen, that is. When they have finished most of the shopping, cleaning and kashering (making the stove, sink and counters kosher for Passover), they officially"turn over" the kitchen for Pesach. They might … [Read more...]

Potato Kugel Secrets

If you are coming here from a search, welcome to my blog. I invite you to look at the sidebar to read some more on Judaism, Jewish holidays, Israel, baby names, and parenting. You can find more recent posts on the homepage. If you try the recipe please let me know how it turned out. For more recipes … [Read more...]