Finding Your Place in a New Community

Those of us who have made aliyah to Israel from western countries experience both a sense of loss and a huge cultural adjustment. In a guest post at An Englishman in New Jersey, I talk about the things that helped me feel at home. … [Read more...]

Soldier Gives Birth, No One Detects Pregnancy (Including Her)

This morning on Channel Two radio show Seder Hayom, host Keren Neubach interviewed Meital, 19-year-old mother of a four-month-old baby called Amitai. Amitai was born while the mother was doing basic training in the Israeli army. Meital had no idea she was pregnant, and none of the army's doctors … [Read more...]

Links for March 8, 2009

Our friend Hagay Amir, an orthopedic surgeon, was instrumental in replacing an arm lost by an IDF soldier with a state-of-the-art "bionic arm." Haveil havalim is up at The Real Shaliach. Jews aren't the only bloggers with carnivals. Check out the Festival of Frugality at Green Panda … [Read more...]

What to Do When the Elevator is Broken

The above sign is one of my favorites. Located near the elevator door at the Avnet Mall in Petach Tikva, it reads, "When the elevator is broken, use the stairs." In case you still don't know what to do, a helpful graphic is provided. Click here to see an unusual graphic. … [Read more...]

“A Week with No Shopping” Challenge, Haveil Havalim, and More

Mimi of Israeli Kitchen challenges readers to A Week without Shopping. Sarah hosts the Jewish/Israeli blog carnival Haveil Havalim, from Down Under. And Trilcat updates us on her baby's surgery. Tonight we begin the joyous Jewish month of Adar, during which Jews celebrate Purim to … [Read more...]

An Uninspiring Letter to the Women of Ramat Beit Shemesh

Via Rafi at Life in Israel. I sometimes like to post emails that get sent out to the local community email list [Ramat Beit Shemesh] that I get a kick out of... This one was sent yesterday to the local list... and I get a kick out of it... To the Ladies of RBS from Shmiras Einayim Mon Feb … [Read more...]

Blog notes

Moving to a new blog platform is a lot like moving house. The preparation seems overwhelming, and once you get in you realize you need more repairs than you thought. And then it takes a while to adjust to a new layout and find everything you need. Some people have complained of trouble accessing … [Read more...]

News from around the Jewish Blogosphere

Leora posts a stunning Haveil Havalim, the Lots to Read Edition. February JPix was bravely hosted by Ilana-Davita, showing early influence of Leora. Go over and wish Hadassah Sabo Mazal Tov on her wedding today. Trilcat's new baby will be having surgery this week. We wish a refuah shlemah, … [Read more...]

Graying Matters

Last week I sat in the hairdresser's chair when the next customer came in. She examined me closely, then moved behind me to get a better look from the back. "Michal," she said to the hairdresser, "How did you do that?" Michal didn't reply. I couldn't see her, but I'm pretty sure she smiled. "It's … [Read more...]

Roundup of posts this week on A Mother in Israel

I've continued to update the list of injured soldiers and civilians. I hope that we can start removing names, instead of adding.A father's perspective: Ynet: Screaming babies ignored in Israeli maternity wards How do some Orthodox women decide what is okay to wear? Exclusive: Official Haredi Guide … [Read more...]