I love to get email from readers. Here are answers to some questions I get asked regularly.

  1. I started a great new blog! Can you add me to your blogroll?  Instead of asking to be on the blogroll, send me a link to a thought-provoking or informative post once in a while. I’ll consider including it in one of my link roundups. Commenting with Commentluv also encourages my readers to visit your site, especially if you have a catchy title.
  2. Can I write a guest post? Yes, I appreciate guest posts. But I rarely accept “pitches” for guest posts that have nothing to do with Judaism and Israel. Both the topic and your personal website (if you want a link back), should be appropriate for an observant Jewish audience.
  3. Can I ask you a question about parenting/blogging/aliyah/breastfeeding/Judaism/cooking/schools/etc.? Yes. Keep in mind that I may turn your question into a blog post. I try to respond to all personal emails, but I have one request–acknowledge that you received my answer. And make sure to enter your email address correctly in the appropriate field, if you’d like a response.
  4. Can you help promote my cause? Yes, if I think my readers would be interested.
  5. Why didn’t my comment appear? It may have gone to spam or moderation. One person’s comments went to spam for a while, and we never figured out why. All comments containing links now go to moderation. Write to me if your comment doesn’t appear (unless you’re a spammer).
  6. Can I link to your post on my own site? Of course, no need to ask permission. I appreciate a link with text that indicates what the post is about, like this: A Mother in Israel’s Guide to Lice Removal. This helps search engines find both of us more easily. See How and Why to Link Back to Older Posts.
  7. I find an ad on your site offensive or inappropriate. Please let me know. I can block Google ads by URL but different ads appear depending on your country, so someone has to let me know. I always block formula companies and missionary sites.

You can contact me via Twitter or Facebook.com/AMotherInIsrael.