Melissa, originally from England, lives in Nazareth with her Christian-Arab husband and their six children. She graciously answered my questions by email.
Melissa, where were you born? I grew up in St. Albans, Hertfordshire, a small city about 40 minutes drive north of London.
How old are your children? What kind of school do they attend? I have six children, 2 boys and 4 girls. Fadi (10), Sam (9), Lily (7), Lizzy (5), Isabel (2) and Alice (8 months). The four older ones attend a private, mainly Christian school. Everything is taught in Arabic. They start learning English in second grade and Hebrew in third. It’s difficult to get your children into a private school, they can be picky. Also the kids are under quite a bit of pressure to get good grades. As I mentioned before, education is very important in this society.
I loved reading this! I am a Christian and I lived a year in Jerusalem. This was in 2001 during the height of the intifada, and we never made it to Nazareth, unfortunately. I must say that the Arabs we met in Jerusalem were also very friendly and hospitable – we didn’t meet any Christian Arabs, it was mainly taxi drivers and Arab merchants in the Old City.
I cracked up when she talked about customer service and needing to be rude to get anything done – that was so true for us, too. (The Post Office was unbelievable! LOL) I had my first child while living there and I chose home birth with a midwife – not because I cared about natural childbirth, but because I was afraid of how rude people might be at the hospital!
This is an awesome blog. I’m putting it on my blogroll.
good questions. interesting answers.
re. the expats married to christian arabs, is it generally foreign women marrying local men?
hi…thanks to ‘motherinisrael’ for giving me the opportunity! I really enjoyed answering the questions. To ‘Lion’-yes it is mainly foreign women marrying local men, Robin-My kids speak Arabic and English.I speak to them in English,they Answer me in Arabic!!weird!
hi…thanks to ‘motherinisrael’ for giving me the opportunity! I really enjoyed answering the questions. To ‘Lion’-yes it is mainly foreign women marrying local men, Robin-My kids speak Arabic and English.I speak to them in English,they Answer me in Arabic!!weird!
Fern- all women as i far as I know although I do know a Doctor whose husband is German, they met at Hadassah univ.I think thats an exception.
Thanks for taking the time to be interviewed Melissa. I always love hearing about the ways in which someone else’s life is both similar to and different from mine – a lot of the culture shock issues you mentioned hold true for Anglos in Jewish Israeli society as well.
I’m curious about how you’re handling your children’s language. We’re English speakers at home but it can be a real struggle to foster my children’s English language development when they’re surrounded by Hebrew all the time. (We don’t live in an Anglo area at all.) We’ve put a priority on it, but it’s definitely not easy.
Interesting interview! I’m interested to know Melissa’s answers to the questions about which gender is generally marrying into the Christian-Arab community and what language Melissa uses with her children.
MiI : Thanks for interviewing Melissa for your readers. Hers is an interesting perspective.
Melissa: Thanks for answering the questions.
Very interesting perspective.
Oh and that Sally Fields movie is Not Without My Daughter.
Thanks for this interview, MiI, and thanks, Melissa, for agreeing to answer the questions. It was a glimpse into a different way of life here in Israel.
Melissa, thanks for answering Mother in Israel’s questions. I enjoyed reading, and I enjoy reading your blog, too.
I’m curious what kinds of blogs Melissa reads….
Great post!
MiI-You never fail to disappoint with your interviews. 🙂
You’re in my feed reader but I seem to be missing your posts :(.
Glad I actually came over to read some of your stuff. 🙂
Adding you to my blogroll too, in case there is a problem with the link I have in my reader I’ll update that as well
Thank you, everyone.