Inspired by Nina Badzin, I’m sharing the books I most enjoyed in 2012.
- Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea
, by Barbara Demick. Demick tells the story of 6 North Korean refugees who escaped to South Korea. One woman, a doctor who completely accepted the government’s propaganda, changed her mind when she first made the illegal crossing to China. Entering a private yard, she was perplexed by a bowl of meat and rice on the ground. After a moment a dog came to claim the food, and the woman realized that the dogs in China eat better than the richest people in North Korea. This book will depress you, it will horrify you, and you will never forget it.
- Alone in Berlin
, by Hans Fallada. A book about “ordinary Germans” during World War II, written by a German in 1950. The author is bitter about the Nazi regime but manages to make the topic humorous and inspiring. The couple in the story decide to resist the Nazis in a small way, until they are finally caught. We learn what happens to the Jews in the couple’s building, but the Holocaust plays only a small part in the book.
- The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet: A Novel
, by David Mitchell. I almost gave up on “Thousand Autumns” after the first couple of chapters, because of the unfamiliar language and vocabulary, but I urge you not to do the same. Thousand Autumns has a fast-moving and surprising plot, unusual and well-developed characters, an exotic historical setting, and a love story. You’ll learn about Dutch trade , Japan, medicine, the role of women, and much more about the 18th century. When I finished I began it again to appreciate the first 100 pages.
- November of the Soul: The Enigma of Suicide
, by George Howe Colt. What can I tell you, the woman who orders books for our book club swap likes depressing topics. I kept wanting to put down this very long book, because how much can you say about suicide? But Colt managed to keep my interest with personal stories and speculation about who commits suicide and why, attempted suicide, prevention,and suicide “survivors.”
- The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
, by Siddhartha Mukherjee. Mukherjee also writes at length on an unpleasant topic, but left me wanting more. Mukherjee uses the story of his patient, a young woman with leukemia, as a jumping-off-point for a discussion of the history of cancer research and treatments. You’ll finally understand how genes cancer and why mammograms may not prevent it.
- Empire Falls
, by Richard Russo. While I didn’t quite get the ending, the plot and insightful characters still make it a great novel.
- The Island Within.
, by Ludwig Lewisohn. A multi-generational novel about Jews and Jewish identity, written in 1928. Conflicts addressed by Lewisohn are still with us today, like how much of Jewish practice consists of customs and not Jewish law. But the discussion on anti-Semitism seems dated. He traces a Jewish family from Eastern Europe, to Germany, to the United States with the relevant impact of assimilation and Jewish identity. Read only if these topics interest you, because the plot will not hold you.
- Take a Chance on Me
, by Jill. Mansell. I don’t only read depressing non-fiction and literary novel. I also like quality chick-lit, if you believe such a thing exists. Chick-lit romance features humorous, female, modern-day heroines. Bridget Jones’s Diary was the first (but not the best). Mansell’s is fun.
- Crossing to Safety (Modern Library Classics)
, by Wallace Stegner. I mentioned this book when I wrote about my interview with “polio mom” Dena Gordon. Safety’s well-expressed themes include friendship, illness, marriage, and academic life.
- A Man of Parts, by David Lodge. A biographical novel about the novelist H. G. Wells. Wells worked to promote socialism in Britain, and came under fire for his unconventional views on marriage. One friend said that it took her two months to get through this book, and had no idea Wells was “such a dirty old man.” In my opinion Lodge does an excellent job of portraying Wells with the right touch of sympathy.
What were your favorites in 2012?
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Wow – I am jealous. I wish I had access to some of those books. I tried reading “Alone in Berlin”, but found it too depressing. My favorites were (At least what I remember)
The 100 year old man who climbed out the window and disappeared
Freedom: A novel
I don’t remember any more titles, but there were a few that I loved.
I didn’t find “Alone” depressing. I will look out for the other two. I was helped by Goodreads, where I try to rate the books I like and write a short review.
I read “Empire Falls” a few years ago and loved it- I have since read every book written by Richard Russo- I love his writing style. The book about the former North Koreans sounds fascinating; I’ve got to read that one.
Jennie–the book got mixed reviews from my book club. Glad I’m not alone!
Are these all fiction books? I read a lot in 2012, but mostly nonfiction.
1, 4, and 5 are non-fiction.
Great list! I also enjoyed “Nothing to Envy”.
How did you access these books in Israel?
Hi Allison, We order from Amazon and shlep them, or get someone else to. We get the rest from the Book Shoppe in Petach Tikva.
I’ll be doing my 2012 reading roundup next week (hopefully).
I also liked Empire Falls and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet very much. I agree that Autumns was hard to get into but once I did, it was fascinating. I’ve been trying to get my hands on the Mukherjee book for a while. Do you still have it?
i just bought the book about north korea at your suggestion. i have a kindle so nomore shlepping books or paying outrageous prices for english books in israel. i still need a few to read on shabbat–but this is much easier
Let me know if you like it!
am saving it to read on a trip in february……….let me knowif you have any other good reads.i really liked “the kashmir shawl” “the prime ministers”, “the buddha in the attic” and another book that i can’t remember the titleabout an american airman who was a POW in WWII.
it’s called “unbroken”
Thanks, Karyn, will pass on the suggestions to our book club.
So honored to inspire a post for you! I haven’t read any of these, but if they are on your top ten I’m sure they’re great. Hope you’re doing well! I need to catch up on your blog.
My pleasure, Nina!
when did you have time in 2012 to read 10 books?
Ken Follett, Winter of the World
Thanks for the recommendation, Placido.
That is a nice selection. I have read a few on the list. Hans Fallada is incredible. Have you read Every Man Dies Alone, by him?
No, thank you Lorri for the recommendation!