My New Blog: CookingManager.Com

Dear Readers,

I am excited to share my new blog, CookingManager.Com. Cooking Manager is about efficient cooking, a topic I’ve written about many times. It’s meant for people who are looking to cut cooking costs, save time, and learn how to cook more from scratch. I’m especially interested in helping readers who are learning how to manage a kitchen for the first time.

Cooking Manager.Com has a different format than A Mother in Israel. On the first page, you’ll find an excerpt of each post. Click on the title to get the whole article along with comments.

I’ve set up a weekly schedule for Cooking Manager:

  • Sunday: Appliances and Equipment. Each week I’ll write about a kitchen appliance or utensil and how to use it efficiently.
  • Money-Saving Monday: This is a broad topic including health, conservation, leftovers, and food safety and storage.
  • Time-Saving Tuesday: Self-explanatory!
  • Wednesday: Recipe day. Mimi at Israeli Kitchen graciously wrote the first guest post about Chickpeas Stewed in Tomato Sauce. Most recipes will be guest posts. You don’t have to be a food blogger to submit one.
  • Friday: Weekly roundup. Today’s roundup, including posts on microwaves, cleanup, and eating less meat, can be found here.

If you find the blog useful I’d appreciate your help:

  • Leave comments and give feedback by email. It is a work in progress and I expect the look will probably change several times over the next few months.
  • Send suggestions for posts you would like to see. What do you struggle with?
  • Subscribe by email or RSS reader, or bookmark it.
  • Send it to friends. I’ve gotten good feedback from young couples.
  • If you think your readers will enjoy it, link to it on your blog.
  • If you like a post, please Tweet it or submit it to a social media site like StumbleUpon or Delicious.
  • If you’re on Twitter, please follow me at my seond Twitter account, @cookingmanager.

I have a busy summer planned with a trip to my father and a Bar Mitzvah. My focus will be on keeping up the writing schedule (you know I love a challenge), but major changes and publicity will probably wait until after the summer. Posting here may be lighter for a time, but I don’t intend to disappear. One of my goals is to write faster, and I believe that readers of A Mother in Israel will ultimately benefit from my “expansion.”

Here are some posts from CookingManager.Com that I hope you will enjoy:

Do You Need a Second Freezer?

Individual Plates or Family Style? A Comparison of Serving Methods

My Mother’s Re-Recycled Meat Soup

Seven Ways to Use Up Leftover Bread

Don’t Bite the Bugs: Avoiding Insect Infestation in Food

Cooking Manager is intended for a general audience, although all recipes will be kosher. Posts about Jewish homemaking, like preparing for Shabbat on “short” Fridays will still appear over here. Suggestions and questions on this topic are always welcome.

Many, many thanks to the “preview” reviewers for giving positive feedback and constructive criticism.

Enjoy and have a Shabbat Shalom.


  1. Yeyasher kochech, another blog that escapes my company’s SmartFilter 🙂

  2. Can’t wait to see this blog develop. I will have to give you some receipes.

  3. It’s exciting to have something like this from an Israeli perspective. I’m tired of reading these things by bloggers in the States! 🙂

    • mominisrael says

      Tesyaa, this blog goes through too? My friend has some kind of filter through Bezeqint and AMII doesn’t get through.
      ON, looking forward to your contributions.
      Chava, the new blog will have an international outlook. It won’t be Israeli, but I won’t talk about coupons either.

  4. Just stopping by from another website to check out your blog. It’s very good and I’ll be bookmarking it for updates 🙂 Have a great weekend.