I wrote a guest post on cooperative summer camps, appearing at Orthonomics.
Ima on the Bima hosts the News and Politics edition of Haveil Havalim.
Leora is preparing the next episode of JPix.
Baila had a surprising visitor: Eichmann’s executioner.
And Shimshonit responds to a previous post of mine on tzniut (modesty).
Thank you for the guest post. I hope it gave readers some great ideas. I’m on my own so far this summer, but have found so much to do that I’m starting to cut down. With the exception of art supplies (and even some of that will come from recycling) and a chumash text I plan to buy for my kids, we are looking at money for gas alone.
Thanks for the JPIX mention. And Baila’s experience is quite something. Mazel tov on her daughter’s bat-mitzvah, too.
So, anyone that hasn’t already, take a couple of good pics and submit them, pretty please! JPIX is one of the most visited posts on my blog. Lots of exposure.