Mazal tov times two

Mazal tov to Trilcat and family on the birth of a baby boy.

Mazal tov to my brother-in-law and family on the birth of a baby boy. My 7-year-old is especially happy–the brit will allow him to miss a day of school.

May you both have a lot of nachat (comfort) from all of your children.


  1. צmazel tov!

  2. Mazel tov all around. It’s nice to get good news.

  3. מזל טוב

  4. Lion of Zion says

    i don’t know if it’s true, but i’ve heard that israeli law gives dad a day off for his son’s ברית מילה.
    you mean to tell me that the law also gives the day off for a cousin of the newborn?

  5. Lion of Zion says

    what a country!

  6. mother in israel says

    Thanks all. LOZ, I think you’re right–about the father that is.