Menu Planning for Rosh Hashanah

There are a lot of things I'd rather be writing about today, but I can't avoid the subject any longer. I'm talking about Rosh Hashanah, less than three weeks away beginning Wednesday evening, September 9. Not only is the two-day holiday followed immediately by Shabbat, making it a "three-day Yom … [Read more...]

How I Make Shabbat in Two Hours

A reader asked me how she can cook for Shabbat in two hours or less. I referred her to my tips for winter Fridays. Today I'll describe what I actually do most weeks. The biggest revelation for me was that I could serve the same thing both on Friday night and Shabbat morning. My kids are all happy … [Read more...]

On Bar Mitzvah Planning

People like to kvetch about the extravagance of weddings, bar mitzvahs, and other life-cycle events in the Jewish community. When it becomes real, though, doing your own thing is harder than it looks. We just celebrated our son's bar mitzvah, our third so far, and I have been thinking about why … [Read more...]

Things I Might Be Posting About, If I Felt Like Blogging

Our cooperative summer camp adventure continues. Based on past experience (read: lots of fighting), we split the boys and girls. We have five boys aged 5-8, with two 12- and 13-year-olds serving as counselors. I hosted them last Friday while my 12-year-old A ran the whole program. The girls' group … [Read more...]