The Story of the Treblinka Extermination Camp

Image by EagleXDV via Flickr Tonight and tomorrow, we observe Holocaust Remembrance Day. When Jacob Richman sent me his list  of Holocaust educational sites I was stimulated to learn more about Treblinka,  the extermination camp where my father's mother, father, sister and brother were … [Read more...]

Ukrainians and the Holocaust

A reader of Ukrainian ancestry left a comment on my review of The Lost by Daniel Mendelsohn. He is seeking answers about the behavior of Ukrainians toward Jews during the Holocaust. I have just read the book “The Lost” and look at it from a different perspective than some. I am Canadian born of … [Read more...]

Holocaust Remembrance Day: One Family’s Story

In honor of Holocaust Memorial Day, I'll share with you a section from a book about daily life in my father's shtetl. The book is called Memories of Ozarov, by Hillel Adler. Second-generation survivors owe a great debt to authors such as Adler, who died in 1996. In addition to this (possibly … [Read more...]

The Lost by Daniel Mendelsohn

I've been reading Daniel Mendelsohn's book, The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million. Mendelsohn grew up in an assimilated family in New York. In the background of his visits to his older relatives in Florida lay a story about a great-uncle who remained in the family's ancestral town of … [Read more...]