Recalling My Father and the Jewish Past in Ozarow, Poland

Lukasz holding "Memories" next to a picture of my father Ben Zion Wacholder z"l Several months ago, I wrote about Lukasz Rzepka, the graduate student who, like with my father Ben Zion Wacholder z"l, was born in Ozarow, Poland. After months of preparation, Lukasz has published the first volume … [Read more...]

A Daughter’s Tribute to Shimon ben Shraga

I recently finished The Watchmaker's Daughter, a sensitive  and touching memoir by Sonia Taitz. Taitz grew up as the child of Holocaust survivors in Washington Heights, New York City, where my husband and I also lived for a time. It turns out that we attended the same synagogue as her … [Read more...]

My Family Visit to Bogota

Seven flights, eight airports, four languages, four currencies and four continents. I just returned from Bogota and Medellin, Colombia, where I attended the Latin American Breastfeeding Conference. Even though my Spanish was poor, I managed not to come down with typhus, yellow fever, malaria, … [Read more...]

We Learned Not to Ask: Second-Generation Holocaust Story

Tonight and tomorrow we observe Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. A few weeks ago I listened to a moving podcast, The Suitcase by the Door, via American Public Media. APM interviewed Dr. David Wahl, a child of Holocaust survivors. Wahl's parents had some unusual habits, like requiring everyone … [Read more...]

Kaddish and the Holocaust

Today is the 10th of the Hebrew month of Tevet. According to II Kings and Ezekiel, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem on this date.  It marks the first stage in the destruction of Jerusalem and the First Temple in 586 BCE. 10 Tevet is observed as a fast from sunrise to … [Read more...]

The Story of the Treblinka Extermination Camp

Image by EagleXDV via Flickr Tonight and tomorrow, we observe Holocaust Remembrance Day. When Jacob Richman sent me his list  of Holocaust educational sites I was stimulated to learn more about Treblinka,  the extermination camp where my father's mother, father, sister and brother were … [Read more...]

Ukrainians and the Holocaust

A reader of Ukrainian ancestry left a comment on my review of The Lost by Daniel Mendelsohn. He is seeking answers about the behavior of Ukrainians toward Jews during the Holocaust. I have just read the book “The Lost” and look at it from a different perspective than some. I am Canadian born of … [Read more...]

The Lost by Daniel Mendelsohn

I've been reading Daniel Mendelsohn's book, The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million. Mendelsohn grew up in an assimilated family in New York. In the background of his visits to his older relatives in Florida lay a story about a great-uncle who remained in the family's ancestral town of … [Read more...]