Summer Stock Sunday: Pitangos

Robin from Around the Island started Summer Stock Sunday, a photo meme. Click on the links below to see what other bloggers have posted.



A few years ago, a friend pointed out a pitango tree with its tangy, red berries that ripen throughout the late spring and early summer. I would have gone through life not knowing that the berries are edible. This tree, like many, was used as a border along a fence.

Despite their color,  the berries are hard to spot but oh, what a reward. The tastiest ones are so dark to be nearly purple. Orange ones are sour. The berries are more pit than fruit, but no one minds.

Here’s my daughter with a handful of summer treasures:




  1. never saw/heard of these until I had them at an LLL event.

  2. Never tryed those – I wonder if we have them in the our part of the woods. Do they go by any other name? The kids are brave to try them! Can you make a jam out of it?

    • mominisrael says

      Ellie, it would be hard to get enough fruit for jelly as the pits are almost as large as the fruit.

  3. I also would have gone through life not know such a berry existed let alone was edible,
    They do look tasty and precious in your daughters hand. We don’t have them out here under any name I don’t think.

  4. Well, I sure have never heard of a patango tree! I’m going to have to google it and see where it likely grows! Our posts are clearly up the same ally today though! Your daughter is a doll and looks to be enjoying those berries greatly!

  5. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever actually tasted one. I knew they were edible, but I wouldn’t have recognized the tree if I fell over it. Cool, I learned something today :).

    Your daughter looks very pleased with her haul :).

  6. I love berries in the summer…but I think I’ll stick to strawberries and blueberries. We don’t have tree’s like yours around here.

  7. The word sounds like “patagonia.” I wonder what the root is.

    Love the photo of your daughter. Such a sweet, happy smile.

  8. Your daughter looks very pleased! She’s beautiful.

  9. I wonder if we have those berries here? I don’t think so. Here is the U.S. Your daughter is adorable! đŸ™‚

  10. Jessica The Rock Chick says

    I’ve never heard of those berries before, but based on the look on your adorable daughter’s face, they must be delicious!!! I’m going to check if we have anything like that here!!

  11. Oh I’ll have to do some research . they may go under a different name here. Berry picking in the summer so much fun. This Summer Stock Sunday is really getting me excited about what can get out and do.

  12. Mrs Belogski says

    i had also never heard of these, but wiki has this to say: . Apparently they grow semi-wild in Israel

  13. This Eclectic Life says

    Never heard of pantango berries before! What a lovely child! Her smile is as sweet as the berries you describe.

  14. Pretty summery shots

  15. amanda guthrie says

    She looks very happy to be eating those sweet treats, what a treasure!

  16. David Hall says

    Petangos come from Central America although was once also applied to a fruity but hot Pepper. The Petangos we have here in Israel are certainly not hot but very sweet Cherry like fruits, theyre also a very beautiful ribbed fruit. I often paint them as theyre so exotic looking. Very common and easy to grow.