Passover Seder in the Israeli Army

My son won't be home for the Passover seder this Monday. Instead, he'll be leading the seder for about 30 fellow soldiers on his army base. After my son and another soldier (were) volunteered to run the seder on the two neighboring bases, they got to attend a hishtalmut in a nearby city for … [Read more...]

Haredim and Army Exemptions

Here's what Jill from Writes Like She Talks said about me: If you want to get an excellent idea of how this issue applies practically, A Mother in Israel is a fantastic blog - well-written, by a mom of five (is it five?! yes, not four, but not six I think) who made aliyah many years ago but … [Read more...]

My Son and the Army

My son had his first visit with the army for a day of tests. He didn't get his "profile," that magic number measuring the army's opinion of the recruit's battle-worthiness, because he has yet to send them the results of a vision exam. They nevertheless wasted no time in sending him a letter saying … [Read more...]