Supply and Demand in Breastfeeding at Green Prophet

I have a guest post up at Green Prophet, Breastfeeding and "Supply and Demand." If you know anyone worried about not having enough milk, this is a good place to start. … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding, Babies, and Hormonal Birth Control

Commenter and guest poster Ariela asked me to write about breastfeeding and birth control.  Since other methods generally don't impact breastfeeding, I'll limit the discussion to hormonal methods. Hormonal methods include the pill, some IUDs, and patches. They contain either progestin  alone or a … [Read more...]

Guest Post: Breastfeeding and the Working Mother

Commenter Ariela shares her experiences as a nursing mother of five. This is a picture of me and my daughter Noa nursing our babies. I am combining two of my greatest pleasures, reading and breastfeeding. One of the things I love about breastfeeding it that it "allows" a busy mother of 5 to take … [Read more...]