Extreme Breastfeeding, Extreme Modesty and More

I've collected these links for your reading enjoyment: Almost Eden gives tips for keeping warm in the Israeli winter. Rafi reports about a wedding invitation asking women to dress in “shalim.” Leah Goodman wrote a guest post on making recipes vegetarian or kosher. The government is making … [Read more...]

Friday Links: Ducks, Shopping, Fake Army Exemptions, and Cosmetic Surgery among Haredim

My teenage daughter helped my son prepare this bird model for his school project on feathers. Some links for your perusal: The chief rabbis have called a second day of fasting and prayer for rain: In light of the continuing drought in Israel, Chief Rabbis Shlomo Amar and Yonah Metzger have … [Read more...]

Links on RivkA z”l (and what z”l means), Books, Carnivals and More: #12

Links from around the web: A new project in memory of RivkA Matitya z"l, called Meneket RivkA: Welcome to Meneket RivkA - a memorial tzedakah (charity) project conceived by RivkA's friends, students and teachers to serve a cause that she truly believed in, carried out in association with … [Read more...]

Fashion, Heblish, and Halacha: Interesting Links #10

To start off the week, here are some links for your enjoyment: Rabbi Ari Kahn cited my post, The Day is Short and the Work is Great, in a talk he gave about leaving onions and garlic out overnight. For the record *I* did not say that  a kollel guy told me about it, a commenter did. Mrs. S. … [Read more...]

Interesting Links #9

Chayyei Sarah on on reasons that Jewish women find it hard to to find a Jewish partner. Rebecca from The Big Felafel on shopping for maternity clothes in Israel. Miriam Shaviv on on Jewish racism. Haveil Havalim is up at The Israel Situation. Mazal tov to UberImma and family on their aliyah. … [Read more...]

Interesting Links #7: Shiva, Nursing in Public, and Emanuel Update

Leora posted the latest JPix, with photos from around the Jewish blogosphere. While you're there, don't miss Leora's posts on visiting a shiva (mourning) house, and a followup interview with  Batya on managing a shiva house. I recommend bookmarking these in time of need. Haveil Havalim is up at A … [Read more...]

Interesting Links #6: Preparing for Breastfeeding and Getting Help and More

On Shomer Shekalim, I have a guest post up on preparing for breastfeeding and getting help after birth. My reader interview at Cooking Manager today is with myself. Read about my mother's unique cooking style and how it influenced me. Haveil Havalim is now up at Ima on the Bima. Last week's … [Read more...]

Interesting Posts #5: Urban Policy, Burkas, Broken Families, Dieting

I woke up this morning to find out I'm a wise, urban policy analyst. Haveil Havalim is up at Elisson. Last week's is over at Snoopy. A proposed law forbidding full body and face covering: Rejecting the Burka If you're on Facebook, please join my new fan page. Leora will hosting the … [Read more...]

Interesting Posts #4: Visitation Rights, Breastfeeding Costs and More

Do you like my daughter's picture? We followed an easy finger-painting technique from the Usborne Book of Art Skills. Frume Sarah has Haveil Havalim up at her place. Here's a beautiful photo presentation of Jewish life in Poland in the 1920's. The LA Times has a heart-wrenching story about … [Read more...]

Passover and Politics: Interesting Posts #4

Image by roger_mommaerts via Flickr Hello, everyone! I hope your Passover preparations are going well. My kids are deep into cleaning their rooms. I'm hoping they don't lose heart in the middle. In the meantime: Visit my post at the Middle Eastern environmental blog Green Prophet, Avoiding … [Read more...]