More Water-Saving Suggestions

Many Israelis are distressed to realize that they will be paying a lot of tax on excess water, maybe several hundred shekel a month. In my last post on the water crisis in Israel, I asked readers for suggestions. I'm going to compile the replies here, and add a few comments of my own. The … [Read more...]

Washing Machines and Laundry: Tips for Making Laundry More Frugal

In honor of Earth Day, here's a water-saving tip from Paamonim. Paamonim, which I wrote about here, helps Israeli families in debt avoid poverty, and its website contains many money-saving tips. Saving water and energy is not only a personal financial consideration, as natural resources belong to … [Read more...]

“Ma, We Live in a Slum”

When my husband's aunt and uncle made aliyah from the US in the 60's, they spent a few years in Bnei Brak. That first morning, one of the children noticed laundry hanging outside some nearby buildings. "Ma," he said, "We live in a slum." A reader of my post, Twelve Things I Love about Israel, … [Read more...]