Fun and Frugal Family Games for Your Chanukah Party

My family hosts the annual Chanukah party for my husband’s siblings and their children. Aside from frantically cleaning the house, I’m planning a short program. Almost everyone likes to play games, and they are a fun way to get to know my nieces and nephews. It’s not so easy to find a good party … [Read more...]

Wedding Costs

This post is Part VIII of a series on dating and marriage in the religious-Zionist community. I: Dating Readiness, II: Meeting the One, III: Genetic Testing, IV: Dating Venues, and V: Shidduch Crisis?, VI: Internet Dating, VII: Paying the Shadchan, VIII: Wedding Costs, VIII: Wedding Costs, IX: … [Read more...]

Over-Parenting and Daycare Dilemmas

The Over-Parenting Crisis by Katie Allison Granju, author of an influential book on attachment parenting, complains about parents who obsess about every aspect of their children's development. This over-parenting has become an epidemic. Legions of well-intentioned mothers and fathers, urged on by … [Read more...]

Washing Machines and Laundry: Tips for Making Laundry More Frugal

In honor of Earth Day, here's a water-saving tip from Paamonim. Paamonim, which I wrote about here, helps Israeli families in debt avoid poverty, and its website contains many money-saving tips. Saving water and energy is not only a personal financial consideration, as natural resources belong to … [Read more...]

Ten Things You May Not Need to Buy if You Breastfeed Your Baby

This post originally appeared on Green Prophet, and is reprinted with permission. Click to view over 70 comments (Haloscan). A common misconception about breastfeeding and babies in general is that they require special equipment. But we already know on Green Prophet that a mom who buys less is … [Read more...]

Is Homemade Food Worth the Effort?

Reading the ingredients on purchased food spoils my appetite. Even canned tomato paste now contains fructose, making it taste like catsup. (Luckily I can still find the "pure" variety.) And I don't like to think about what's in food from restaurants, bakeries, and caterers. When I see borekas I just … [Read more...]

How to Spend Virtually Nothing When You Have a Baby

I would like to share my story regarding expenses for infants. In our culture, we are led to believe that babies require a lot of things. There is no reason to "buy in" (pun intended) to this mentality. Disclaimer: I have made the choices that were right for my family at that point in time. I … [Read more...]