Printable Hebrew Activity Pages for Chanukah 2012

Happy Chanukah! My neighbor Bruria prepared Hebrew printable activity page for kids, at a first to second grade Hebrew reading level.  Each sheet starts off with a chapter of Tehillim (Psalms) and a list of names of sick friends. Bruria gives permission to share, as long as you keep all of the … [Read more...]

Planning Your Family Chanukah Party

Chanukah this year falls on Tuesday evening, December 20 through Wednesday, December 28. Please welcome Miryam Elisheva Segal for today's guest post.   My “family” Chanukah parties have taken many shapes over the years. Some were successes, some not, but we always had fun along the … [Read more...]

Eight Things About Chanukah

Eight unrelated things about our Chanukah so far: Two of my teens went to the Bible Contest for adults, while the rest of us listened on the radio. My husband didn't like the fact that the answers assumed that King Solomon wrote all of Mishlei (Proverbs), when the verse in question (30:8) is … [Read more...]

Whatever Floats Your Wick: Chanukah Translation Confusion

We use floating wicks to light our Chanukah menorahs. Made of thin cork with aluminum foil glued on one side, they come with stiff wicks that get threaded through a hole in the stopper. We always run out of wicks before stoppers. But I digress. Some stoppers are round and some are hexagonal. You put … [Read more...]

Fun and Frugal Family Games for Your Chanukah Party

My family hosts the annual Chanukah party for my husband’s siblings and their children. Aside from frantically cleaning the house, I’m planning a short program. Almost everyone likes to play games, and they are a fun way to get to know my nieces and nephews. It’s not so easy to find a good party … [Read more...]

Easy and Inspiring Chanukah Craft Ideas

Please welcome Mara of Kosher on a Budget for today’s guest post. Her post on Sukkah decorations was extremely popular and I’m happy to have her back. Can you believe that Chanukah is less than two weeks away? It seems as though we just took down our sukkah and packed away all those … [Read more...]

Why I Don’t Like Sufganiyot

Bloggers, like all writers, can't always choose their subject. Sometimes a subject chooses you. So while I would prefer to write a light, meaningful or amusing post in honor of Chanukah,  you will be reading (if you dare) about a rather heavy subject. I'm talking about Sufganiyot, the traditional … [Read more...]

Brother-in-law quoted in WSJ and a family party game

My brother-in-law wrote his report about our annual Chanukah party here. He has to be nice, because he knows I read his blog. (I even send him the occasional unsolicited suggestion.) It was my idea to blog about the dancing on the side of the road.Aaron was quoted today in the Wall Street Journal, … [Read more...]

Hanging Stockings–an American Chanukah Custom?

From the Motherlode blog at the New York Times, on Jewish couples who have conflicts about holiday customs similar to those of intermarried couples:I heard recently from Tami Kamin-Meyer, a lawyer with two sons, ages 10 and 14, living in Columbus, OH. “Both my husband of nearly 16 years and I are … [Read more...]

Some Chanukah links

Chanukah Sameach! My camera is broken and I'm too lazy to scour the net, so you will have to manage without the traditional picture. As compensation I present some links.Standing Together has ideas for supporting Israeli soldiers this holiday.Breeding Imperfection shares a sad tale of allergy and … [Read more...]