(Mostly) Inspiring Links for Rosh Hashanah

I'm pleased to present a great list of links for your reading and viewing pleasure. Mekubal has been bravely reporting details about the pedophile ring in the Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem. The Ministry of Public Diplomacy start a website for sending new year greetings to Jews across the … [Read more...]

Jewish Mother Guilt and Breastfeeding (Updated)

Marjorie Ingall wrote an article in Tablet Magazine called Bottled Guilt, where she argues that Jewish women are set up to feel guilty when breastfeeding doesn’t work out. The desire to raise intelligent and healthy children is entrenched in our genes, and for most of us successful breastfeeding is … [Read more...]

Tips on Staying Home and Staying Sane

"I don't want to put my baby in daycare, but I'm worried that I will go crazy if I stay home all day. " How is it possible to stay home with your baby and not end up in the loony bin? Below I list the strategies that helped me the most. I believe they can be helpful for employed mothers, and fathers … [Read more...]

Around the World in Eighty Clicks: Why I Love Being a Mother

I was flattered to be asked to participate in "Around the World in Eighty Clicks," founded by Katherine at Her Bad Mother and David at It's Not a Lecture. The idea is for bloggers from eighty different countries to give five reasons why they love being mothers. Like Katherine, I don't love … [Read more...]

The Truth about Nursing in the Ezrat Nashim

Which of the following situations is disturbing, distracting, or inappropriate in shul? Cracking open a bag of Bamba for a toddler, who proceeds to distribute the contents around the shul Hansel and Gretel style. Shoving chairs right and left while pushing a monster stroller through the … [Read more...]