I hope you'll enjoy today's collection of links. My good friend Anne, famous for taking the Burka pictures that got me started on the topic of hyper-tzniut, has begun her own blog for Israel advocacy known as Anne's Opinions. Born in London, Anne has strong feelings about the British … [Read more...]
Orthodox Girls and Eating Disorders
The Washington Times published an article on eating disorders in the Orthodox Jewish community. Julia Duin writes: Staff members at Renfrew, where 12 percent of the patients are Jewish, said they noticed an uptick in Orthodox clients in recent years. The main pressure, they said, is on the … [Read more...]
Teens, Sex and Eating Disorders: An Interview with the Therapy Doc
Never one to turn down free professional advice, I didn't hesitate when blogger Therapy Doc suggested an interview here on my blog. Coincidentally, while "visiting" my blog TD and her husband are in Israel visiting their son in yeshiva; see here (the end of the post) and here. Feel free to leave … [Read more...]
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