Links: Bus Segregation, Divorce, Autism, Harsh Parenting

The post on the veiled women of Beit Shemesh led to record traffic over the last few days. I'll be posting some reactions soon. In the meantime, enjoy these links: Miriyummy's husband models the Talit he won at the Galilee Silks contest. A story about a woman who reorganizes your home and … [Read more...]

Tandem Nursing: Guest Post at Mommy News Blog

I have a guest post up about tandem nursing at the Mommy News Blog. Although my daughter is wearing a kippah in the accompanying picture, it's not meant as any kind of feminist statement. At five years old she no longer wears one. Anyway, now you all know how "radical" I am/was. … [Read more...]

How Do Parents of Large Families Manage? Meet Tal and Talia

On Orthonomics a guest post about Orthodox homeschooling generated the following comment by "l": One problem that parents encounter is that in families where there are both older and very young children, the toddlers and infants often require many hours a day of the parents' care and leave little … [Read more...]

Sleep Training at the 92nd St. Y

Orthomom linked to this parenting advice column in her "Mommy-Blog Roundup" on Jewess. I didn't expect to like the answers, but it was the questions that floored me in the end. If this column is indicative, American parents are obsessed about how much their children sleep (admittedly the column grew … [Read more...]

Close Spacing II: Fertility and Parenting Styles

Part 1: When Does Chinuch Begin? There is a direct connection between the type of parenting and child spacing. When the baby stays with his mother day and night, nurses on cue without bottles and pacifiers, starts solids gradually at about six months, and spends a good deal of his time either … [Read more...]

Child Spacing, Part 1: When Does Chinuch Begin?

I believe that mothers need at least a year, if not two, between pregnancies to recover from birth. Both the toddler and baby are also shortchanged with closer spacing. Each family is different and with a lot of help and support, along with an understanding of attachment and infant development, it's … [Read more...]