Do kids care if your house is dirty?

If my mother hated cleaning, she never admitted it to me. But she didn't research or think much about cleaning techniques, like she did with other aspects of homemaking.She was fussy about guests, who were never allowed in the kitchen; she had me for serving and clearing. I didn't mind much, except … [Read more...]

Is Homemade Food Worth the Effort?

Reading the ingredients on purchased food spoils my appetite. Even canned tomato paste now contains fructose, making it taste like catsup. (Luckily I can still find the "pure" variety.) And I don't like to think about what's in food from restaurants, bakeries, and caterers. When I see borekas I just … [Read more...]

Microwave Apple-Pear Sauce

My son called from yeshiva to make sure I would be serving latkes and applesauce when he comes home tomorrow. Homemade applesauce is easy to make, especially if you can find someone to peel the apples. My husband bought apples with brown spots in the shuk just for that purpose, and they waited in … [Read more...]

What’s There to Eat? Saving Time in the Kitchen

I recently gave a talk to young mothers entitled, "Is there anything to eat in this house?" We all want to open our refrigerators and find delicious healthy food, but it won't get there by itself. I spoke generally, trying to break down the different cooking tasks — those things that experienced … [Read more...]

Seven things about Sukkot

I've adapted this idea from an earlier meme called "Eight things about me." (A meme is a cross between a chain letter and a themed blog post.) I changed the number to seven, in honor of the seven days of Sukkot (Tabernacles festival).My husband likes to quote the midrash where one of the nations … [Read more...]

Rosh Chodesh Av: Kosher Cooking Carnival # 20

Blog Carnivalkosher cooking carnivalarchives | submit post Welcome to the July 16, 2007, 20th edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival! When I suggested this date to Batya, I didn't realize that it fell on the first day of the Hebrew month of Av. According to the mishnah, "Mishenichnas Av … [Read more...]

A Cooking Legacy

While in college, my friend Tzippy and her family generously hosted me for many a Shabbat and Yom Tov. Tzippy's mother didn't expect her to help in the kitchen; she told her that she would have plenty of time later, and now she should study and have fun. The mother was right; Tzippy did get married … [Read more...]

My kids and cooperation

Sephardi Lady asked me here whether I overestimate or underestimate the amount of help my kids can give. It seems that they always have plenty of time to read, go on the computer and play with friends, and study occasionally, so I guess they are not overworked. I suspect they would not agree! Of … [Read more...]

Riddle answer

The riddle can be found here. Rafi figured it out right away. Here's what happened:After the annual Yom Haatzmaut family barbecue was cancelled because of illness, we decided to go on a hike. (Unfortunately some of us ended up sitting at the rest area because of a child with a stomachache who … [Read more...]

A Halachic Riddle

I cooked something in my kitchen. It's completely pareve and edible, but I can't add it to a dairy dish nor to a meat dish. I can only eat it as is, or improve it by adding other pareve items.In a few days I will describe how I (accidentally) made this dish. … [Read more...]