20 Top Israeli Baby Girl Names for 2012

See also: 20 Top Israeli Baby Boy Names for 2012 At long last, the Israeli Central Bureau for Statistics announced popular names for 2012.  Today I'll review the top twenty names for Jewish girls. First, a word about trends. Remember how just a few years ago single-syllable names were all the … [Read more...]

Flexible Maternity Leave: Good for Mothers, Babies or Employers?

The Neta Center (Women for Bettering Their Future) has proposed altering the laws surrounding maternity leave. Currently, maternity leave lasts for 14 weeks. If the mother has been working in the same position for the previous 10 months, she receives a monthly salary from the National Insurance … [Read more...]

Interview with Founder of Kayamamoms, for Single Religious Women Having Babies

Rusty Mike Radio interviewed Aviva Harbather, a founder of Kayamamoms. Kayamamoms was founded to help religious single women who are considering having babies on their own. The event discussed, with Rabbi Benny Lau, Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, a fertility doctor and a psychologist, took place on … [Read more...]

When Should Babies Start Solid Foods?

A reader writes: So Tipat Chalav is now advising to give all babies tastes of food beginning at *4* *months*, because if we "wait" until 6 months some babies get more attached to the bottle and might resist integrating solids into their diet.Isn't there some statistic about breastmilk-only for 6 … [Read more...]

New Barrier for Mothers: Don’t Feed Baby on the Bus

Update: See clarification below. The head of Beterem, the Israeli organization for child safety, has issued a warning that will strike fear into any young mother who relies on public transportation:  Breastfeeding while riding on a bus puts your baby in danger. And bottle-feeding will likely to … [Read more...]

Whose Babies Are They Anyway? Breastfeeding Twins in an Israeli Hospital

Rachel Gurevich left a comment in response to the proposed law requiring parental consent for feeding formula to newborns. When I wrote to her about publishing it as a new post, she asked to expand it. What follows is quite harrowing. I included a few short comments. Rachel writes: The proposed … [Read more...]

Proposed Law Promotes Breastfeeding in Israeli Hospitals

Likud MK Danny Danon has introduced a law preventing formula companies from advertising in maternity wards. If passed by the full Knesset, hospitals will no longer accept free formula and other gifts from manufacturers. Currently companies compete for the chance to "donate" formula and valuable … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding Basics with Christina Smillie

Many years ago I was asked to visit a new mother having trouble breastfeeding her baby. Not having much experience, I called a colleague for advice. The instructions she gave me for the mother went something like this: Sit in a straight-backed chair, with a pillow behind your back. Rest your feet on … [Read more...]

Coping with a Pesach Baby

A reader is expecting a baby a day or two before Passover, and has always been a week early so far. Unlike most of us, she can't afford to be in denial. It's true we got an extra month this year (Jewish leap year) but Pesach is still creeping up on us. Maybe this will start your wheels turning. . … [Read more...]

Getting Enough Sleep without “Crying It Out”

After I commented on Chana Jenny Weisberg's post 3 Surefire Ways to Get Babies and Toddlers to Sleep,— Chana invited me to respond in a guest post. Please visit Getting Enough Sleep without "Crying It Out." Chana publishes a weekly newsletter and is famous for her video "pep-talks" for … [Read more...]