Leftovers and the Kosher Kitchen

[Glossary below.] My mother z”l hardly ever threw out food. I think she managed this by serving five meat meals during the week. On the three “fleishig” weekdays, she transferred meaty leftovers from one main meal to the next. Whatever leftovers couldn’t go in a main course were recycled in the … [Read more...]

7-Minute Low-Fat Microwave Cheesecake

My friend Annette first made this cake for me almost 13 years ago when I was re-hospitalized with a newborn. I kept it in the hospital refrigerator and it was good for several meals. Now my kids fight about who gets to make it for Shavuot. The topping is optional but I wouldn't skip it unless you … [Read more...]

Dairy Chocolate Sourdough Cake for Shavuot

Cheesecake is traditional for the upcoming holiday of Shavuot (Pentecost) next Thursday evening. But if you're looking for something easy and different, you can try this single-bowl cake recipe from Joy of Cooking. Though the recipe calls for sourdough starter, you don't need to let the batter … [Read more...]

Kosher Cooking Carnival #41: From Matzah to Lasagna

Welcome to the 41st edition of the Kosher Cooking Carnival, founded by Batya of Me-Ander.  Below is a list of previous editions. Write to Batya if you would like to host. #1 #2 #3 Thanks Ezzie #4 Thanks Sarah #5 #6 #7 Thanks Sadie #8 #9 Thanks Sarah #10Thanks, Elf #11 #12 Thanks Renegade KC #13 #14 … [Read more...]

Post Pesach Tips

Here is a summary of post-Pesach tips that I posted two years ago, updated for 2009. Make a list of what you ate. Mine reads something like: Went away for Shabbat. Ate 7+ kg of matzah, 60 eggs, 2/3 liters of oil, 120 potatoes. Make sure to have enough peanut butter in the house for before and … [Read more...]

Chicken with Black Olives and Tomatoes

This is an adaptation of a recipe that appeared in the Jerusalem Post many years ago. It always gets compliments. Kosher for Passover, it can be prepared on top of the stove and served hot or cold. Chicken with Black Olives and Tomatoes Ingredients: 1 cut-up chicken Flour, or potato flour for … [Read more...]

When to “Turn Over” Your Kitchen for Passover

Pesach-observant homemakers the world over are talking about turning over. Turning over the kitchen, that is. When they have finished most of the shopping, cleaning and kashering (making the stove, sink and counters kosher for Passover), they officially"turn over" the kitchen for Pesach. They might … [Read more...]

28th Kosher Cooking Carnival

The 28th Kosher Cooking Carnival- Dayenu edition is up at Frumhouse. I'll be hosting the next one on April 7, so get cooking! Topics will include Pesach recipes, Purim accomplishments and recipes for getting rid of hametz. And anything else relating to kosher cooking. You can submit your own posts … [Read more...]

The Orthodox Homemaker’s Quest for Flour

A few months ago a friend stopped me on the street to ask me if I knew anything about 70 and 100% flour; she had learned about it from her children living in the Jerusalem area. Many religious like-minded women in the Tel Aviv area are constantly looking for good sources of flour. Standard bleached … [Read more...]

Unofficial Guide to Pesach Shopping in Israel

When my aunt first shopped for Pesach after making aliyah, she was excited by the huge assortment of kosher for Passover products. When Pesach was over, she learned that all those products contained kitniyot (legumes), which Ashkenazi (European) Jews avoid on Pesach. Israel has a much larger … [Read more...]